If you are a new driver who is looking to purchase automobile insurance, there are some things to know and consider before making that commitment. As a new driver, there might be some requirements you know about, some you do not, and other you are not sure about. The information below will guide you through your first purchase of auto insurance as a first time driver.
Important Points to Look For in an Auto Insurance Company:
1. How stable the company is. You want to make sure you pick a company that is going to be around if you happen to need to make an insurance claim. Also, if they are still in business, can they handle your insurance claim financially?
2. Service available to you. How can you report a claim? Is there someone available 24 hours a day to take my call?
3. Is it best to go with the cheapest auto insurance when I am a new driver? It is not always best to go with the cheapest insurance if you are a new driver or an experienced one. You need to make sure you are getting the best deal for your money. Look for perks such as: No increase in premium if you make a claim and safe driving bonuses. A lot of companies reward their safe drivers, and it is a good program to take advantage of if available.
What Does an Auto Policy Consist of?
Being a new driver looking for auto insurance, you need to be aware of the basic coverage you will need. Below is the basic coverage you should expect.
Liability: This is the coverage for payment when you are personally at fault for an accident.
Uninsured Motorist: This is important to have and covers you by paying for accidents where the other person does not have coverage, or not enough.
Collision: Pays for your car when you are involved in an accident.
Personal Injury Protection: This coverage insures payment of medical expenses, including funeral expenses when involved in an accident.
Comprehensive: This is in case your car is vandalized, stolen, caught on fire, etc.
These are just the basic coverage's available. Consult your local insurance agent for more coverage options that are available. In some states, certain levels of coverage are required by law. Auto insurance allows for a person driving a car peace of mind. The above mentioned will help keep you covered in case of an accident.
There are some cases where you will need to drive another person's car. You may be wondering if there is coverage pertaining to that scenario. In fact, the person's car you are driving will typically cover the cost. Your insurance will only come into play once, and if, the other persons insurance has run out. In the reverse case, if someone is driving your car and get in an accident, your insurance will typically cover it, as long as the policy is current and the person driving the car had your permission.
As a new driver, it can be a little overwhelming when first looking to get insurance coverage; however, there are many agents out there that are able to assist you in making the best choice in coverage for your particular needs.
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