Most people dread the day when they have to find or switch their car insurance, many people also hate that you must have car insurance to legally drive on the roan, it can be an almighty hassle finding the best car insurance for your need so most people just stick with the same one foe years despite being unaware that there are better and cheaper car insurance deals out there on the market. This is why it's important to take the necessary time out and find the best deal for you which could save you a lot of money and suit your needs better than the current insurance you have on the car.
There are three main types of car insurance, which are:
Third Party - Third party is the most basic and often cheapest form of car insurance available. It does not cover the cost of your cars' damage; it only covers you for the other person's car, property or injuries. Third party insurance is only recommended if you can't afford any other form of insurance or if the insurance is worth more than the value your car itself.
Third Party, Fire and Theft - This type of insurance covers you from what is mentioned above plus if in the unfortunate event of your car being set on fire or gets stolen, remember with this type of insurance you will still not get a penny to cover the costs of the damage to your car if you are at fault in an accident.
Fully Comprehensive - This type of insurance is the most complete and therefore the most expensive, it covers all the above mentioned aspects plus the cost of accidental damage to your car, injuries caused by an accident and even the loss or damage of person items which were in the car at the time of an accident. Many insurance companies offer additional services as part of their fully comprehensive plan such as a courtesy car whilst yours is being repaired. Fully comprehensive insurance can turn out very expensive, especially if you have multiple drivers insured to drive the same vehicle.
Finding the Best Deal
To save money on your car insurance it is essential that you shop around and compare all the prices and quotes out there, the best tool for carrying out this comparison is the internet, there are many sites now who offer to compare the quotes of many car insurance companies instantly based on the information you inputted into the online form. Given the results, you may then see which would be cheaper and best suited to your needs. You could also try haggling the companies and playing the off each other on the phone to see if anyone will beat your best price, it may not work but it's always worth a try. When choosing your car insurance it's not only price you need to consider, always make sure it's the right type of policy and always check out what kind of extras they thrown in with the policy so you can grab the best deal all round.
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