Everyone who owns their own car will have gone through the process of choosing a car insurance policy but the fact is that many people are not fully aware of the exact terms of their individual policy. This means that some people are driving around and inadvertently invalidating their car insurance.
The implications of this should not be ignored. If you are breaking the terms and conditions of your policy then it could have serious financial implications if you do need to make a claim. The insurance company could easily turn round and say that you're not entitled to a full payout because you broke the terms of the policy, and pleading that you were unaware of this small print will not usually change their mind either.
So let me give you some examples of how you can accidentally invalidate your car insurance.
Firstly if you are teaching someone to drive in your own car, then you may find that you are not fully covered if your trainee has an accident under your supervision. Different companies have different policies on this issue and so you should always be sure of the exact terms before taking to the road.
Another way you can invalidate your car insurance is by not being completely truthful on your application form. When an insurance company comes up with a quote for you, it is based on the information you submit to them as it is obviously based on your past record as a driver. So if you neglect to mention past motoring convictions or speeding offences and you are subsequently found out, then your insurance claim could be substantially reduced if you ever make a claim.
Similarly if you change your job, for instance, or you increase your annual mileage for whatever reason and do not inform your insurance provider, either straight away or when renewing your insurance, then this may also impact your final claim. So many people fail to do this or simply forget to tell their insurance company and get a nasty surprise when they do make a claim.
So the overall message is that you should always ensure that your insurance provider is kept fully up to date with your full driving history. You should also ensure that you are fully aware of the complete terms and conditions of your policy so that you are not potentially invalidating your car insurance. The last thing you want is to pay premiums every year only to find that when you do need to make a claim, you are not entitled to the full amount.
Click here to read more car insurance articles and to find out how to reduce your car insurance. |
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