Vehicle insurance is a necessity, but you need not pay more than you have to. A few simple steps combined with some time on the web searching for competitive car insurance rates really can save you serious money at renewal time. Auto insurance rates can soar depending upon factors such as your age, driving record and other factors such as your credit history. If you are searching for someway to reduce your Auto Insurance Premium, you can find ways to lower the annual bill. Here are the 7 quickest tips for finding a lower car insurance quote.
1 - Increase Your Deductible:
'Deductible' is the amount that you need to pay before your insurance policy payments kicks in. Don't try to get the lowest possible deductible, instead opt for a higher but manageable out of pocket payment plan. This is a simple way to reduce your periodic premium payments, but be warned, if something happens to your auto - you will have to spend more to cover the initial expenses, prior to making a claim.
2 - Reduce Your Coverage:
Downsizing your coverage is perhaps the simplest way to lower your auto insurance premium. However, be cautious and prudent, while making this decision. This will save money, but, be certain you have adequate coverage.
3 - Park Your Vehicle in a Garage:
One of the easiest ways to reduce an auto insurance premium is to park your vehicle in a garage; either a personal or a commercial building. In many cases, this will help to reduce the premium up to 20%. When parked in a garage, your car's chances of being stolen or sideswiped are significantly lower. Parking in a garage could mean a difference between a your receiving a preferred rate rather than a standard rate.
4 - Take a Defensive Driving Class:
Many people are unaware that by completing in a state-approved defensive driving course, you can obtain discount car insurance with premiums up to 10% lower. Be sure to check with your insurer about safe driver auto insurance.
5 - Named Drivers:
Adding a named driver to your auto policy can increase or reduce your rates depending upon the age, sex and driving record of the named driver. Adding a young driver (especially one with a limited or poor driving record) will increase your premiums. However, adding a driver over 30 years old with a long, clean driving record can reduce premiums, particularly if the named driver is female!
6 - Savings with Security:
Adding security devices can also result in cheap car insurance rates. If you live in a high-risk car crime area, it makes sense to increase security with alarms or other devices. It will save money on your safe auto insurance and give you extra peace of mind.
7 - Comparison Shop for Bargains:
The most important tip is to research several companies for quotes to find a bargain. There can be huge differences between the lowest and highest car insurance quotes for exactly the same car and driver(s). Begin by looking online for several instant auto insurance quote. Next take the best quotes and go directly to the cheapest car insurance company for more specific rate quotes. Ensure that you are not simply shopping for price alone, but the whole package.
So next time your auto insurance is due, don't just accept it and send your money to the insurance company. Use the steps above and get the best auto insurance coverage at the best price.
We all want to have Affordable Car Insurance. By taking a little time to collect and compare many Online Insurance Quotes for your vehicle you may be able to save substantially and obtain the best auto insurance. |
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