Direct auto insurance refers to those companies that sell insurance to the consumer without an agent acting as the middleman. Most insurance companies offer this method of insurance sales with the accessibility of the internet. However, there are still a few companies that require you to go through an independent agent to get insurance with them. Additionally, some companies will sell direct auto insurance, but have special programs that agents have to sell. They do this to help insurance agents have a purpose. After all, if everyone bought their own insurance online, there would be no need for independent agents, would there?
So is it good to purchase auto insurance directly? Yes and no. For some people, purchasing direct auto insurance is easier and faster than going to an agent's office and waiting while they do all the work for you. However, other people are far too busy or confused by auto insurance and need that reinforcement that the agent offers. A lot of people still don't trust the internet with credit cards and bank account numbers, so this makes them inclined to visit an independent agent. However, purchasing insurance directly is a great option for those who know what they're purchasing, and aren't afraid of shopping online.
Direct auto insurance rates vary from one company to the next. Sometimes you'll get a better deal for cutting out the middleman, and other times you might be charged more because the cheaper rates are exclusive to agencies. It's all based on the company's policies and conditions, and what they feel is right for the consumer and the insurance industry.
You need to inform yourself about all of your available options when it comes to direct auto insurance. Choosing the right way to purchase insurance for yourself is going to be a personal decision for the most part, but only after you've taken the time to learn about auto insurance and the different types of coverage and policies available.
For more shockingly easy tips and exclusive information on auto insurance, including the inside truth about AAA auto insurance, visit |
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