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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Making an Auto Insurance Claim

By Jon James

Half of one million people each year are injured in motor accidents and are entitled to compensation. Many of these people are unaware of the rights they have or are even unaware of how to make a claim to this compensation. Unfortunately, these people lose out on money due to them for pain and suffering.

The steps to making an appropriate claim begin immediately following an accident. After an accident, the policyholder must inform their insurance agent right away. Usually insurance claims offices have emergency claim help line numbers or a 24-hour claims assistant number. The staff helping with your claim will take down the details of the accident, including date and time, location, as well as damage and/or injuries incurred.

While the insurance representative is taking this information, they will check that cover is provided under the policy and give information on how to proceed with the claim, offering advice and guidance. When checking this information, the claims agent will make sure that the vehicle and driver were authorised under the policy. Also, the claims agent will check to see if any details of the accident exclude cover for any repairs.

In checking this, the agent will determine whether all damages arising from the accident are covered by the insurance policy. This would include checking for comprehensive cover if the policyholder sustained damage to their own vehicle. If the insured only had just Third Party or fire and theft, the damage to the vehicle would not be covered by the claim. The final step is ensuring the policyholder is up to date on payments of premiums, and that they are paid in full. The insurer will also satisfy that all information given in regards to the accident is complete and accurate.

These claims can be completed over the phone, giving a verbal statement. This process helps decrease the need for written claims, which can be time consuming for the policyholder and the insurer. Written claims are still necessary in certain circumstances, such as serious injury and/or property damage.

Insurers will also require an estimate of damage from approved garages. Use of approved garages will expedite the process of the claim by reducing paperwork, and they are also more cost effective and efficient for the insurance company. If the car is immobile due to damage, the insurer will usually cover the cost of removal and relocation by way of towing.

The approved garage and an engineer from the insurance company complete the estimate together to corroborate that the damage is consistent with the claim of the policyholder. If the claim and damage are consistent, the engineer will authorise the repairs to be completed. To help reduce the inconvenience to the insured, hire cars are often available through the insurer.

The use of an approved garage is in the best interest of the insured. The engineers may take longer in giving approval as the garage may be out of the area of his daily rounds, and a more detailed estimate may be required to authorise the repairs.

When repairs are completed on the vehicle, the insurance company will compensate the garage. This amount is the total for the repairs and labor less the amount in excess the policyholder pays. After this, the claim is completed and the insured receives the vehicle back.

If there is injury or substantial property damage, a claims investigator may be used in order to further inspect the circumstances surrounding the accident. This process involves taking statements from those who witnessed the accident, and it also includes the collection of evidence necessary in case of litigation.

If the vehicle incurred damage beyond economic repair, the insurer will offer the policyholder a sum equal to the market value of the vehicle at the time of accident. The value usually is determined largely by the use of "Glass's Guide." This guide factors purchase price, age, mileage, condition and overall depreciation of the motor vehicle. The engineers will also factor vehicle modifications in estimating the market value of the car.

Final claim payment is negotiated between the two parties, the insurer and the insured. The claim is resolved when all payments have been met and when all information has been collected in regards to the accident.

Remember, people have accidents every year and do not get the sum due to them for pain and suffering largely because of lack of education. Research is important to further your knowledge of not only how to make a claim, but to further your knowledge on your rights.

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