When you purchase an insurance policy, you expect it to keep you protected every time you get behind the wheel. But, have you considered whether or not the insurance policy will cover your vehicle if you allow someone else to drive it? Before you sign up for an insurance policy, it is important to be certain the policy keeps you properly protected - and that includes knowing where to find car insurance that will cover other people that you might allow to use your car.
Who Can Drive Your Car?
In general, there are a some key people that should be covered by your insurance policy. For the most part, an insurance policy will cover all of the following people:
- Anyone that is specifically listed on the policy
- Your spouse, even if he or she is not listed on the policy, so long as that person lives with you
- All of your family members, whether they are related through blood, marriage or adoption
- All of your children, including step-children, foster children and those that are away at college if those children list your address as their permanent address
- Anyone that you give permission to you use your vehicle
Of course, if you have specific people that you don't want to drive your vehicle and that you want to be excluded from coverage, you can have those people specifically excluded as well. You may want to do this if your spouse has a poor driving record that is driving up your insurance rates, as having separate insurance policies could potentially reduce the overall cost of your insurance payments.
Where Can I Get the Right Car Insurance?
Knowing where to find car insurance that will provide coverage to other drivers is not particularly difficult, as most insurance companies will automatically cover just about any driver that has your permission to drive the vehicle. Therefore, the real trick is knowing where to find car insurance that will provide you and your vehicle with the proper protection without costing too much money.
The best way to get the cheapest rates is to do some comparison shopping. Although you can call several different insurance companies in order to obtain separate quotes, the easiest and quickest way to get insurance quotes is to visit a website that gathers information from numerous insurance companies. This way, you can perform side-by-side comparisons of the rates the companies have to offer.
In order to keep your rates low, knowing where to find car insurance with cheap rates is not the concern. Rather, you need to focus on keeping your driving record clean. This includes being cautious about who you let borrow your vehicle. Although your insurance policy may provide coverage to other drivers, it will be your insurance record that is negatively affected if the person borrowing your vehicle gets in an accident. So, use caution when lending out your vehicle in order to reduce your chances of having to pay higher rates.
This article was dedicated by Leading Insurance Quotes, known as LIQ. If you would like to compare multiple quotes and ave on your premium today visit Leading Insurance Quotes to find the cheapest insurance quote today! |
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