When you are looking for a new car it is best to take into consideration how much the annual insurance cost for the vehicle is likely to be. It is worth doing a bit of research to ascertain which cars will be cheapest to insure. The car may not necessarily be cheap itself, but that does not mean that certain factors will not help make the insurance less expensive. Cars are usually placed into a group between 1 and 20 to determine how much you pay for Insurance Cover.
Some of the cars you can buy that are cheap to insure are: Volkswagen Polo, Ford Fiesta, Smart car, Renault Clio and a Fiat Punto. There are other cars but these types are all within the recognised groups of 1 to 4. These cars are favored by the Insurance Companies as they are cheap to replace if your car is written off. Parts are generally cheap for these models and this means that Insurers also pay out less if the car has been in an accident and needs repairs.
If you have just passed your test or are a young driver, this may not be the car that you had dreamed of owning. It pays in the long run, however, to start with this cheap to insure car in order to build up things like such as No Claims Bonus. This will help in the future to bring down the cost of your Insurance for your sporty car!
There are many Car Insurance Companies available and it can be a long and laborious task having to get quotes to find the cheapest. You just have to remind yourself that it is worth it for the savings you will initially make. There are various websites on the Internet who will help with your search by comparing the quotes for you.
It is also worthwhile to note that young drivers and those who have just passed their test may find it cheaper to insure themselves under their parents policy.
Highly recommended reading: How to Save Money On Car Insurance Where To Get Cheap Car Insurance: http://www.AutoInsurance-Review.com/ |
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