Although many people don't see the point in paying for auto insurance it can be a financial lifesaver in the event of an accident. Imagine if you're involved in an accident that causes over $500,000 in damages. If you don't have auto insurance or don't have enough auto insurance you could risk having to pay these expenses out of pocket, and that could take the rest of your life. Survival auto insurance guarantees that in the event of an accident, you are covered up to the amount of the limits you purchase. Thus, if you purchase a total of $300,000 in coverage, that means you'll be covered for an accident that causes up to that much damage or injury.
Survival auto insurance won't cover you without repercussions, though. If you are required to file a claim, your insurance rates will likely go up at least 10%. This is because now that you have filed a claim, you are a higher risk to the insurance companies because it's more likely that you'll file another one, in their eyes. The system used to calculate insurance rates can be tricky, if you're not familiar with auto insurance policies and practices.
Using various factors, survival auto insurance is calculated by how much of risk you pose to the insurance company. There are three categories: low risk, moderate risk, or high risk. In the insurance world, these are known as preferred risk, standard risk, and non-standard risk. The more of a threat you pose, the more you'll pay for auto insurance Companies use elements such as your driving record, age, your car, gender, and your credit rating to determine how much risk you pose to the insurance companies.
For shockingly easy tips and exclusive information on auto insurance, including how to save money with western auto insurance, visit |
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