If you drive a car, you need affordable car insurance. It really is as simple as that, and it is more than likely available for you. Before you think you can get by without it, think of the repercussions in being judged as the person responsible for an accident with a Mercedes, a Lexus, and your 1998 Ford Windstar. If you simply have the cheapest coverage your insurer offers, you might find that it's not nearly enough to cover the cost of such an accident. The best way to prevent potential financial devastation is to be constantly aware of car insurance rates, potential discounts, and proactive ways that you can keep your rates as low as possible.
Even if you have been with your current company since your Uncle Oliver sold you the policy 23 years ago, it is a great idea to do annual rate comparisons with other insurers. Look for savings programs that might be available for multiple car households, multiple policy discounts, safe driver incentives, maturity discounts, family dynamic discounts, and driver's education completion. Insurance companies are offering more and more incentives to win your business by offering more and more affordable auto insurance. Let the healthy competition that capitalism invites work to save money to impact your bottom line.
If you are a wise saver and investor, you may want to compare the savings that can be realized if you increase your deductible to a point where you are essentially self-insuring for small claims and using your auto insurance coverage to protect you for more major accidents and issues. The premium savings on a policy with a $2500.00 deductible compared to a $250.00 deductible can add up to such a significant savings that, over time, investing the difference in premium accounts, will create a $2500.00 savings account so that your deductible will never even be a consideration if you are ever in need of using it. At that time, you can realize an even more affordable car insurance rate by increasing your deductible up another notch or two.
The best way to achieve and maintain affordable car insurance rates is by being very aware of the impact of every driving decision you make. Almost every driver is occasionally guilty of unsafe driving practices that could easily result in a serious accident. A good rule of thumb is that if it is something that you wouldn't want your teen aged driver doing while driving your car, then do not do it yourself. Many activities drivers engage in on a regular basis impair their ability to drive even more than a few stiff drinks would. Have you recently been guilty of any of these things?
* Dialing a cell phone
* Talking on a cell phone without the aid of a hands free device
* Applying makeup
* Jotting down a phone number
* Inputting an address into your GPS
* Changing CDs
* Eating a value meal or drinking a hot cup of coffee
* Speeding
* Driving while extremely tired
These are just a few areas that could cause fender benders, traffic tickets, or serious accidents. Aside from the other potential devastations, they are each things that could lend to making affordable car insurance harder to come by.
Do not be satisfied with the status quo. It is your money and you have a responsibility to spend and invest it wisely. No matter who you are, there is a strong chance that you can find more affordable car insurance by taking the time to do a little research. Your wallet will thank you!
For more insights and additional information about finding Affordable Car Insurance as well as getting a free no-obligation car insurance quote online, please visit our web site at http://www.tips-for-car-insurance.com |
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