Shopping for auto insurance is not the most fun compared to other activities. But the amount of money you can save can take away any sting of inconvenience.
When it comes to automobile insurance most people make the mistake of taking the first automobile insurance company that comes along.
Not taking the time and effort to comparison shop for automobile insurance rates at the top of the list for mistakes most consumers make when it comes to shopping for automobile insurance. Fortunately because of the internet comparison shopping comes much easier when it comes to automobile insurance.
Car Online Insurance Buying Tips
More people continue to take advantage of the convenience and speed of car online insurance shopping, now more than ever before. But with so many people flocking to the convenience of auto online insurance shopping many mistakes continue to surface.
Make sure you take the time to compare not only the price but the type of coverage as well as exclusions when you shop for car insurance policies.
The speed at which you can shop and compare insurance rates makes for smart shopping. But make sure you're comparing oranges with oranges.
Take plenty of notes when examining figures, coverages and exclusions.
Here's the Advantages of Online Insurance Shopping
1. Convenient - You can shop and compare rates at your convenience on your time. You can comparison shop in you bathrobe and slippers at 2:30 a.m or on your lunch break at work.
2. Speed of Comparison Shopping - You can shop many times faster than calling or writing various insurance companies. Because you can comparison shop faster your more prone to do it - and thus save money.
3. Can research deeper faster and more thoroughly online than most ways.
What Influences Your Insurance Rates
1. Where You Reside:
Unfortunately living in an high population center comes higher risk such as auto accidents, thefts, vandalism and other insurance risk.
2. The Type of Car You Drive:
The category of automobile you drive determines the rate you pay for automobile insurance. The sexy, flashy, high performance cars tend to cost the most. According to insurance statistics these cars tend to attract the most speeding tickets, higher claims and higher repair cost.
3. Driver/Owner Profile:
Insurance companies look at four important factors. (1) Driving Record (2)Marital Status (3)Male or Female (4)Age. Basically married women over the age of 25 represent the lowest (less claims filed) claims. On the other hand males under 25 represent the riskiest driver (highest costing claims) according to insurance statistics.
4. How Many Miles You Drive: The more miles you drive the more risk you have of being involved in an accident according to insurance statistics. If you use your automobile for business this also increases your rates.
Roy Primm has written many articles on saving money on your auto cost. To discover more tips on saving on your auto insurance cost go to Online Car Insurance Tips |
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