Michigan's No-Fault Law has specific information related to damage to parked vehicles. If you damage a parked car or if your own car is damaged, any repair payments fall under "property damage" of the insurance policy of whatever vehicle hit the parked car. Also, by law, a car rental is included while repairs are being done.
In a perfect world, the individual who is driving and hits a vehicle will stop to identify him/herself and provide insurance information. In this case, the owner of the parked vehicle should file a property damage claim with the other person's insurance carrier for repairs to be done as well as for rental coverage.
Often, however, there are people that do not stop and admit they hit a vehicle, which results in a "parked hit and run" scenario. If there is no way to ID the suspect driver/vehicle, the owner of the parked car, unfortunately, will have to claim the damage on their own insurance. If collision insurance coverage is on the policy, the damages will be repaired. However, only if one has Rental Reimbursement coverage will rental be offered.
Additionally, if the person who hits a vehicle doesn't cooperate, insurers will repair a customer's vehicle (once again, if collision coverage is on the policy) and subrogate against the other insurance carrier for any damage costs and rental if rental reimbursement is carried. If this is not on the policy, the owner of the parked vehicle can do a rental on their own and subrogate for the expense of this as well.
Founded in 1990, Affordable Insurance Service Agency, LLC. is a leader in providing quality protection for hundreds of individuals, families, and businesses throughout Michigan and Wisconsin. Providing superior customer service and low rates along with our ability to understand our customer's coverage needs drives the success of our agency. Check us out on the web at http://www.myaffordable.com or stop in and see us at 1205 10th Avenue Menominee, MI 49858 Phone: 906-864-5000 Toll-Free: 888-363-5853 |
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